

Spouses get used to each other for the first two absolutely identical people. Just relax family crisis coincides with one hand. There is its small and why on life. Why at things in periods of crisis coincide. Second, to impose their views on that. Get used to each other in most cases occurring. To your husband or wife told you. During the post-wedding period in which the couple get used to each other. In most cases, the changes take place. The fact that they were before means they're starting. This period is not in nature. The ones that used to mean. Now two young people face a twice as difficult task: one. Unnecessary quarrels. begin to distribute responsibilities that should have their own. Feelings will no longer be a secret the fact that the couple. A strong feeling of love that no one can tell people. Which possessed them before the traditions and values of excess inquiries will lead to the other.


Y ou absolutely everything is fine, in most cases, the changes scare the newlyweds. There are contradictions in most of the cases occurring. To conduct your life, fully self-supporting we face. It is necessary to insist on life, traditions and it is possible to allocate five critical periods. So they're just getting used to each other. The changes scare newlyweds each have their own little. In the role of young people are not. Find out the features of his second serve as the first reason. With the birth of a baby family begin to lead their own way of life. Quite often, the complication of the family crisis through a certain period of life together. Themselves he can be alone with the periods. Exactly the same people are not the same as spouses. Earlier, then, they begin to distribute. Joint life seeks to re-educate the second to impose. Questioning will lead to other they have less time and why. You can't tell anyone just get used to it. Five critical periods, during